Monday, November 29, 2010

All The Ladies

met up with the girls last wednesday for dinner at tanglin shopping centre's chong qing steamboat. decided to try it, since cheryl and her friends have been singing praises about it. no offence, but i still prefer coca steamboat. speaking of which, i haven't had it for more than a year, must definitely dine there before i head back to melbourne.
credits to samuel who kindly took pictures of us.
we sat there for 3 hours eating and talking. all of us came out from the restaurant with a fat stomach! we took our own sweet time to eat and kept ordering more food. it was really a good catching up session, when will the next meet-up be? next week!!! oh, and our USS trip?
some photos of us in ion's washroom. i visited orchard, ion 3-4 days in a row last week. i think it's a really good idea that we're moving nearer to orchard. that seems to be the only place i tend to head to.

We All Want A Fairy Tale Ending

it has been one busy weekend, starting from friday night. oh, the aftermath was really bad. never felt so sick and drained out after a clubbing session, all thanks to my allergy to escargots. i'm not touching those snails ever again! tried them in paris when i was younger, and i was perfectly fine. i know that we can grow out of allergy, but never knew that the vice versa happens too.

cousins and aunts came out from JB on saturday morning. too bad i wasn't well to spend time with them, until dinner at newton circus. 6 ladies eating with a table full of food - had clams, stingray, gong-gong, chicken wings, oyster omelette, hokkien mee, ice kachang, etc. i miss singapore food. instead of lazying around, my maid and i made orange chiffon cake that afternoon. i've always heard so many praises about aunty jean's cake, i didn't believe it until i tried it on saturday night. if we sold it, no one would believe that we made it. fine, self praise is no praise, but it's really nice. the whole cake was finished within a day. sunday was dedicated to shopping. not bad man, managed to get a pair of shoes and a maxi dress in that shopping centre.

i swear my blog posts are so not up to date. life's moving faster than what i'm able to record. i guess that's good? :)
2 fridays ago, vanessa, rachel, kimmy and i went for a disney princess exhibition at federation square. we all enjoyed ourselves, brought back so many childhood memories. i could remember how my siblings and i were siting in front of the television, watching those disney princesses movies on TAPE, not cd-s, over and over again. sadly, there wasn't pocahontas and jasmine. but there was rapunzel and princess and the frog?! my favourite's beauty and the beast. :) bought some disney princess stuff for my little niece, glad she love them.
we had salmon don for lunch. this is the legendary salmon don that i'm always craving for and ranting about how good it is. presentation's not great, but just look at how fresh the salmon is! ahh, i wished i can have it like NOW. anyone knows any great salmon don in singapore? :)
looking good on those police aviators.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

With Our Rented Car

finally a day at home. need to rest and charge up my energy for the party tomorrow night. i'm so excited. pamplemousse at dempsey looks so beautiful, i can't wait to dine there, and i'm gonna go butter factory for the very first time!

so now, back to melbourne... this was during the september 2 weeks break. we decided to rent a car and drive up to dandenong mountains for a day. just to get out of the city that we're always in, and to have fun of course! thank god for ming de who is above 21 and has a driving license, if not we'll never be able to rent a car.
we kinda spent 2 hours traveling there as we got lost in the suburbs. thanks for google maps on our iphones and bbs. first stop on the mountains was pie in the sky, a place that sells very awesome pies, both sweet and savory. i had apple pie, while the rest had meat pies. they also sell so many other types of desserts! wait, never try the chocolate and caramel spider. spiders only taste good with fruits.
thereafter, we went up to sky high mount dandenong, i drove up there from pie in the sky. we were really high up that we could see the city from there. spot our flashy bright blue car that we rented.
we basically spent our time there walking and fooling around, enjoying the view and taking pictures!
drove down to miss marples, in hope of getting a table. sadly, they were fully booked and we had to wait for another 30 minutes. we couldn't do it as we had to return the car by 5pm. despite not having miss marples, we were still late in returning the car.
on our ride back! one driving, two sleeping, and me, camwhoring. :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Marmalade Pantry

random decision to go to town with my brother since we have nothing to do at home. had prawn noodles cooked by aunty jean for lunch before leaving the house, it was really good man. will definitely miss her cooking when she leaves us next year, she's the best cook!

walked around and guess what i caught my eyes on in less than 30 minutes. a beige winter jacket from Zara - i got it immediately after our tea break. it's really pretty, and i'm surprised that it only costs 90 bucks. a jacket like that would be around 120 aussie.
yes, jonny joined me and my brother at marmalade. their first time meeting each other, and they clicked man. oh well, who doesn't click with jonny right? haha! my brother told him that he looked like gurmit singh with those spects, and that he's such a poser. LOL.
Elvis - chocolate cup cake with peanut butter frosting.
Geisha - buttermilk cup cake with green tea frosting.
never knew that they were famous for their sticky date pudding. jonny insisted that we try it and it's really good man. better than the one at la camera in melbourne. rachel, heard that? this is an additional something for you to look forward to in singapore man!

thanks jonny for the meal.

Monday, November 22, 2010

After Graduation?

this is the new Mercedes-Benz SLS-AMG, used as the formula 1 safety car on the tracks. equally as expensive as a ferrari and looks so sexy close up. apparently you are not able to test drive this car, unless special circumstances. we saw a guy driving a brand new grey one out of Mercedes-Benz showroom. damn, one more on the road!

reason for being at the Mercedes-Benz showroom today was because mummy wants to check out the car she's been eyeing. test drive it, and we all agreed she should get it. it's just so her! by the way, the car's only 5 seater, while my family is 6. thank god for us studying overseas, haha! now the colour. i suggested dark red, near maroon, but she said she likes white. oh wells, whatever she please, since she's the owner and not me. BUT, i get to drive it! :)

oh, my brother and i were like pestering my mum to get the BMW 320i, but she refused since its only 4 seater despite her liking it so much. oh, the stuff that my mum sacrifices for her 4 children.

before that, we were at the BMW showroom. first time looking at papa's new 5 series grand turismo. he said he wanted to change his 7 series because its too long, but the new 5 series is only 6 inches shorter, what difference does it make man? plus, that car is huge!! kailin said that it's filled with male testosterones.

i cannot believe that his new car is more expensive that the BMW Z4. damn, my dad should have totally got the Z4 lah, that's my favourite car in the whole BMW and Mercedes-Benz showroom man. it's so hot and sexy. ahhhh!! he said he wouldn't get it cause its 2 doors with only 2 and not 4 seats. probably when we're older when we all have cars?
mummy said something like this, "i get my car first, then when you graduate we'll get another one. but don't expect a sports car, you'll get those cute cute ones lah." i went like, "mini cooper? volkswagen?" she said, "yeah, those ones". let's hope she sticks to it. :)

earlier this morning, we went in to JB for my late grandma's death anniversary. nice to be back to see all my relatives. we had tons of food man, so many different types of kuehs and paos. went for lunch at this chinese restaurant and the food was fantastic! i need to go into JB on a non-monday, i wanna have their BKT, i miss them! i also wanna try their roti papa. gosh! need a food trip into JB soon man. wernie, when will you be free? our aunt is waiting to bring us food hunting.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Smell Home

home had never felt so familiar.

today's the usual family day. went to orchard with my family, and we had lunch at ootoya japanese restaurant located at orchard central's 8th floor. food was alright - i still think that sushi tei's better when it comes to such grades of japanese food.

anyhow, did some little shopping (thanks mummy!!) and checked out the new canon S95. damn, i'm so getting it, i love it. papa wanted to buy it there and then, but i said we should think about it, since it's 150 bucks cheaper in hongkong. thereafter, visited bukit panjang plaza to run some house errands and get food stuff for teatime. that sweet yongbin travelled all the way from woodlands to visit me at my place around 5, and off i went to meet warren at 6 to watch hp7 in town.
enjoyed the show despite those creepy scenes. emma watson's so pretty.

what a good first day in singapore.

now, for a touch of melbourne. sunday morning tea session with rachel and mum at NGV's tearoom, which happened some time back.
these scones are more scon-ish compared to miss marples. they are as good miss marples', or even better.
aunty jean said that she could make better butter pound cakes than that.
simple and cute, tasted real good too.
bubblegum macarons. very very nice!
blueberry ones. love the exotic coloured macarons they have there.
thereafter, visited the sunday market outside NGV called the makers' market. everything there's handmade, and they all looked so pretty and nice. managed to get gifts for my mum and my previous chinese tutor. :)