Monday, November 29, 2010

We All Want A Fairy Tale Ending

it has been one busy weekend, starting from friday night. oh, the aftermath was really bad. never felt so sick and drained out after a clubbing session, all thanks to my allergy to escargots. i'm not touching those snails ever again! tried them in paris when i was younger, and i was perfectly fine. i know that we can grow out of allergy, but never knew that the vice versa happens too.

cousins and aunts came out from JB on saturday morning. too bad i wasn't well to spend time with them, until dinner at newton circus. 6 ladies eating with a table full of food - had clams, stingray, gong-gong, chicken wings, oyster omelette, hokkien mee, ice kachang, etc. i miss singapore food. instead of lazying around, my maid and i made orange chiffon cake that afternoon. i've always heard so many praises about aunty jean's cake, i didn't believe it until i tried it on saturday night. if we sold it, no one would believe that we made it. fine, self praise is no praise, but it's really nice. the whole cake was finished within a day. sunday was dedicated to shopping. not bad man, managed to get a pair of shoes and a maxi dress in that shopping centre.

i swear my blog posts are so not up to date. life's moving faster than what i'm able to record. i guess that's good? :)
2 fridays ago, vanessa, rachel, kimmy and i went for a disney princess exhibition at federation square. we all enjoyed ourselves, brought back so many childhood memories. i could remember how my siblings and i were siting in front of the television, watching those disney princesses movies on TAPE, not cd-s, over and over again. sadly, there wasn't pocahontas and jasmine. but there was rapunzel and princess and the frog?! my favourite's beauty and the beast. :) bought some disney princess stuff for my little niece, glad she love them.
we had salmon don for lunch. this is the legendary salmon don that i'm always craving for and ranting about how good it is. presentation's not great, but just look at how fresh the salmon is! ahh, i wished i can have it like NOW. anyone knows any great salmon don in singapore? :)
looking good on those police aviators.

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