Saturday, August 14, 2010

Singapore's Still Our Home!

last monday night, we singaporeans all gathered together at etihad stadium to celebration our nation's 45th birthday. there was a live telecast of the singapore's national day parade. this is our first time in the 3 years spent here that we actually bother to go attend one. i guess we just don't want to miss out on anymore activities since we only have one more year left in melbourne.
for many of us, it was our first time watching the national day parade since primary school. such a sad truth. still, nothing much has changed over these years. the same old march past, choir, and oh-so-colouful costumes. oh, but fireworks seem to increase every year. jonny was saying that we should tear while watching them, as taxpayers (our parents) contribute to the 10 minute of joy. but i sure did enjoy the fireworks! at that very point in time, i wish i was on the top of marina sands. i'll be up there on the year i get to celebrate national day in singapore. well, booking a room on new year's eve sounds pretty good!
singapore, though i do get bored in the little island sometimes, i still love you. we'll still live our lives in singapore despite studying (and/or working) abroad for so many years. no country has good food, transport, safety, and shopping all in one place like you do.

but, i still need to get out of the country at least once every year. :)

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