Sunday, May 9, 2010

Strings To Pull

i'm so busy with my ICT project 3 that it's driving me crazy. but here i am blogging all because of my bestfriend, she pestered me to. :) anyways, thank you cixian for helping me get flowers for my mummy. i'm sure she'll love it, as i chose it. mummy, i love you! :)
last friday night, rachel, cindy and i went to old town mamak for dinner. i love that place, the food was so good. obviously not as good as home's, but we were very satisfied. especially the laksa (no picture).
thereafter, we went to watch iron man 2. i didn't watch 1 hence i wasn't looking forward to it at all. but rachel kept telling us that it is good, and it was. didn't know that iron man was so old, but he's really funny and flamboyant. felt that the fighting scenes were too short though.
well, everyone's talking about internships. where to go and how to get there. i've decided to do my interns in banks, as my uncle who's working in E&Y says that we shouldn't waste our intern opportunities in accounting firms as they desperately need people. hence, it wouldn't be a problem getting a job there with a melbourne university degree (hoping what he said is true). hope i can get a place in either Merrill Lynch or Citigroup this december. keeping my fingers crossed, shall submit my resume when i get back in july. can't wait to go bacckkk!

i realised how important strings are, everyone's pulling them. if you have them, use them. prove yourself later when you're in.

okay, i really need to get back to work, limited time left. wish me luck people. shall blog the next weekend when i'll have no more assignments! :) the girls and i have made plans. thinking of entering the casino (our virgin experience in australia) and trying the dessert at crown featured on masterchef last week. see us there on friday night. to all mothers, happy mothers' day!

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