Saturday, May 15, 2010

Russian Roulette

all assignment submitted, and now its time for some break before exam preparation starts. went off to crown with rachel and cindy at 7.30pm. we were spoilt for choices, so many good restaurants there.we ended up at NOBU. it's fate that has brought us there. we were meant to enjoy a good meal. wanted waterfront but the queue was so long, went to rockpool but the menu didn't look appetizing. rachel called earlier for reservations at NOBU, but the receptionist said that the only available timings were 6.30pm or 10pm. still, we decided to try our luck, and guess what? WE GOT SEATS. :)
love NOBU to bits. good atmosphere, good food and awesome staff, especially chefs. was so entertained by the japanese chefs in front of us. tried engaging in conversations with them hoping to get some free sashimi, but to no avail. oh! he asked us not to put his picture up on facebook. oh wells, guess not. :)
my previous trip there was with mummy and daddy on trinity's valedictory. time files, it's almost 2 years ago. bet papa is super jealous that i'm in NOBU, cause he loves it. he said that it's one of the best japanese restaurants outside japan. okay, we shall visit katsuya soon.
yellowtail sashimi with jalape (my favourite dish)
whitefish sashimi with dried miso
crispy rice balls with fresh tuna
lamb shank
soft shell crab sushi roll
toban yaki- beef (medium rare)
chocolate bento box with hot chocolate fondant

what a feast. are you hungry yet? :) every single dish was so good, totally enjoyed ourselves. the three of us were so happy while eating. well, price to pay is $180 aussie dollars. but, it was so worth it, didn't mind paying at all. good to spend on some good food after working so hard on assignments.

thereafter, we entered the casino. okay, we couldn't find anyone younger than us. everywhere was just adults. i guess that they are the ones with cash. we spent quite some time watching how people gamble. what's baccarat? to me, roulette was just a money eating and no brainer game. one guy was earning big bucks on blackjack, was tempted to join in, but stakes were too high. 30 bucks? haha, we play by a buck. well, in the name of fun and laughter, we tried jackpot, and lost 2 bucks. such a stupid game, don't understand why people can just sit there and press buttons. fate lies in the machine whereby you won't stand a chance to win. can't believe that we were actually approached by the staff to join some membership, given the benefit of a starting 5 bucks to gamble. haha, one of those tricks to earn more money!

alright, it's getting late. i need to turn in soon for dim sum brunch and shopping later! oh, and we didn't manage to try the masterchef dessert as it wasn't on the menu! :(

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