Saturday, May 1, 2010


i went to eve last night, again. first time clubbing on 2 friday nights in a row, but i won't be going anymore till the exams are over. anyways, thank god for jonny and his clique, for allowing me to join their guest list. if not, i'll prolly be queueing alone in the cold.
we asked the bartender to make us a sweet and fruity cocktail. it was awesome. didn't know the name, but it tasted apple-pear-ish. nice. :)
it was supposed to be mambo night, but really, it was horrible. shall go experience zouk's when i'm back in july. :) anyways, we left the club real early- 2.30am, in hope that we could catch up on sleep to start studying early next morning.

BUT... super duper unlucky me got trapped in the lift at 3am in the morning. was in the same lift with rachel, vanessa and stacey. right when the door closed at the eighth level, the lift just didn't move. panicked like mad! didn't know why, but i literally stoned for awhile before calling rachel on her mobile, without even pressing the emergency button. sadly, rachel didn't pick up! thank god for kenneth for sending us home, i immediately called him and he ran all the way to college square. lousy security guards, didn't even bother coming up to check on how i was doing, he made me do all the contacting with the lift maintenance people. i was trapped in the lift for 50 MINUTES! my sleep just wasted like that. thankfully, kenneth was on the other side of the door talking to me. if not... i guess i'll prolly burst into tears. what an experience! will definitely avoid taking lifts alone.
face it, money is important. :)

anyways, i just received a lovely phone call from dearest yongbin who is in camp. haha, he was telling me how desperate the guys were for girls. apparently, his friends were dying for the pictures i sent to him from aussie. it's not just me, it's with fellow kumalehs. his friends were begging him to show them photos as they haven't seen girls for a week. haha, joke. glad that he is doing fine and enjoying himself in there. well, i guess it won't be for long, till training starts! :)

for now... assignments, assignments, and more assignments.

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