Saturday, January 9, 2010

Feeling Good

had my first driving lesson yesterday, and it was so scary, fun, and tiring! :) after yesterday i realised how difficult driving was, it's not as easy as it seems. i think it's partly because i'm taking manual, as my main problem was having to step on the clutch pedal. accelerating was quite tough too, especially when i have to step on the pedal gradually and slowly.

my instructor was nice and friendly. felt so paiseh when i braked too quickly or when the engine stopped. thought he would be pissed or irritated after going through it for like more than 3 times, but no, he just kept laughing. :) good, i need patient instructors... can't wait for sunday's lesson, i love stirring the wheel!
thereafter, i met up with yongbin, got to town, and cheryl joined us a hour later. yongbin was so nice and helpful to carry our shopping bags and wait for us while we were trying clothes. cheryl and i said that we're training him for his next girlfriend, haha! thank you.

the best buy of yesterday was... my macbook pro red leather cover! i have been wanting it for the longest time (since i got my macbook). after a month's decision, i finally decided to pay 99 bucks for it! i know it's over-priced, but it's really very pretty. anyways, i think that my macbook deserves a good cover too. :)

we had dinner at a new ramen stall at the basement of takashimaya (it replaced pepper lunch). the food was very good, i want to go back again. the menu looks very tempting, we felt like trying everything, but had no stomachs to fill. spent 2 hours talking, or should i say laughing? yongbin never fails to make us laugh, no matter how boring the topic is.

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