Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cutie Pies

it doesn't take a genius to know that i love babies. hence, it isn't surprising that i would travel up to KL to see my 2 six months old nephews for the first time. of course, not forgetting my uncles, aunties and cousins whom i've always enjoyed chatting with. since this trip was 3.5 days, we went food hunting and did quite a fair bit of shopping.
this is ethan. we went to my aunt's house everyday just to see him despite staying at another uncle's place. ethan is such an adorable and easy baby, he doesn't mind me carrying him, kissing him, pinching his cheeks, etc. i enjoyed watching him attempting to crawl with his tiny toes, since his knees are not yet strong enough to support his weight.
raymond's children, 6 months old jake and 4 years old lucas.
i love lucas' pose here! mini boss. he is getting so talkative and playful, which makes him cuter! raymond said that he kept looking for me after i left for singapore. awww, miss him.
jake. the fattest baby i've ever seen. fatter than when lucas was young! we had to take turns to carry him. all the baby fats, so chubby and flabby. but he's such a smiling boy. :)

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