Thursday, May 12, 2011


during the april holidays, kenneth brought me to this japanese basement restaurant cum bar, located along russell street for dinner. i love that place - the interior, the concept, the food and drinks. the entrance is so not obvious at all! a flight of normal looking stairs leads you to a "door" which is basically a thick black heavy cloth!
simple yet stylish.
kenneth had japanese sakae. it came in a cute little glass bottle, which is then reused to serve water to customers. please do not go there on an empty stomach! the portions are really small, regardless of whether its a main or an entree. kenneth and i shared those 5 dishes above - 4 mains and 1 entree. we weren't full at all! having said that, the food was awesome. :D the tempura flour was crispy, the pork was so soft and sweet, and the tuna, salmon and king fish were so fresh. high quality japanese food, as good as nobu or maybe better since its less commercialised. the bill was so cute! be prepared to pay an average price of 15 bucks per dish. will i go back again? yes, definitely.

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