Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why This Difference?

i never understood what my dad meant by always saying that australia is a very slow and relaxed country until i actually came here and experience it for myself.

its so frustrating how Citi is so efficient in everything they do, and how the aussies here are so used to the slow pace of life. ask me to choose a way of living, and i'll definitely prefer the aussies'. i was so stressed out by Citi and my university just because i needed a form from the university to be handed over to Citi. i actually never felt so stressed before in my 3 years of life in melbourne until monday night. it actually reminded me that i used to feel that way when i was studying for o levels in secondary four. this clearly proves one point, singapore's environment is stressful by nature.

everything needs to be done so quick and fast. i'm not saying its a bad thing, in fact being efficient is how i always get things settled. but what i don't understand is the big difference in culture between singapore and australia. at the end of the day, though working slowly, the australians still manage to get things done correctly, without really offending anybody (except for those who aren't used to such a pace).

now i'm stuck between slowly waiting for the university to prepare my form, and dealing with Citi who has kindly allowed me to submit the form even after passing the deadline.

despite this troublesome issue, i know that i shouldn't be in a position to complain. i am already very lucky to have been accepted by Citi for internship just after a brief phone chat. i just have to hope that the university gets back to me asap, as i have already done my best in "rushing" them.

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