Thursday, October 20, 2011

Manchester Press

i have been delaying my wednesday brunch trip with ben to manchester press for the longest time. all my fault for not being able to wake up early!! anyhow, i couldn't postpone it any further, as next week's the last week of school and thereafter, swot vac. we went there yesterday!

it didn't feel that long ago when i first set foot in melbourne. 4 years just whisked by me, and i'll be graduating in less than 2 months. this is really the last and final lap of the race that i've been running for years. i'm going to try my best and finish it off on a high note!
BLT bagel - bacon, lettuce and tomato. not really a big fan of those 3 ingredients, hence i didn't fancy it. but i'm sure i heard kenneth saying, "this is damn good, nom nom nom nom nom!" for at least 5 times!
salmon bagel - they were so generous with the smoked salmon and cream. definitely worth the money. too jelat, ben and ting shared it.
PB&J bagel - peanut butter and jelly, with bananas, nuts and candy bits. I LOVE THIS. i cannot fault anything. everything goes perfectly together, especially with my hot chocolate. yuummyy!!
strawberry custard tart - a definite must try if you happen to visit. on top of the filling bagels we had, we ordered 3 of those tarts to share among us 4. the pastry's soft, and the custard's smooth and not too thick.
this was what we went there for - their famous coffee art! this totally inspired us to go for a barrister and coffee art 2 day course after exams.

gawdd, i love melbourne.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011


love these film shots taken by kenneth.
so during the september holidays, we all went to grampians for a day trip. to be honest, i didn't expect that so much climbing/hiking would be involved. hence, the super inappropriate attire. nevertheless, i still managed to hike to the top without getting injured. of course, it wouldn't be possible without help from the boys. it was dangerous!
we had a picnic on a huge rock right beside a waterfall for lunch. the experience was amazing! we were munching on sandwiches, potato salad, cupcakes, grape and cheese crackers, while sipping red wine right in the middle of nature. this is the life.
we were literally freezing in the cold, no joke. but we persevered and sat on the rocks for almost an hour waiting for sunset... it was worth it.
isn't this beautiful!!! it totally reminded us of the movie, jurassic park. to me, that was the best part of the day. absolute silence, breathtaking view, great company, and the freshest air. ahhh!
by nightfall, we started to make our way back to the city. it was a long long drive, and as usual everyone was well asleep. after an hour nap, we all woke up to a stunning night sky.
i have never seen so many stars in my life! the photos don't do them justice. i was really in awe. i couldn't take my eyes off them. we could actually see the milky way, how cool is that! really unforgettable. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

See You Soon

everything is better after the rain

Sunday, October 9, 2011


this photo was taken 2 months ago at murray regions. that was my first road trip and my first time hanging out with the ZH group. since then, i've been meeting them every single weekend. they are such an awesome bunch to hang out with. they made my supposedly stressful last semester the best semester throughout my uni life.

we kayaked along murray river on the first day, it was a very peaceful and relaxing 2 hours, despite the cold freezing waters. thank god i didn't get wet, though one of us fell into the water! thereafter, we went to safeway and big w. bought tons of food and equipments for our barbecue, which only started at 10pm. we stayed in a 2 bedroom apartment which was rather new, clean and cosy. if only we didn't have school on monday, i'm sure an extra day will be well spent on the facilities provided such as the huge ass trampoline, the playground, etc.

had a massive late night drinking session after the barbecue, and yet some were up really early the next morning to prepare breakfast. this group is filled with chefs. we had a spread for both meals, it was enough to keep us full till our chinese dinner at boxhill. visited a few wineries - wine, cheese, nuts and salad dressing tasting, and off we drove back to melbourne!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Cookout!

last friday night we had a cookout at kenneth's place. kenneth cooked his chilli crab that i've always been wanting to taste for years! the chilli crab was delicious, and i would say its of restaurant standard. yummy, i love it! kenneth also taught me how to clean and dismantle the crab, it was rather easy though. i can help out in future! :) oh, and our fried mantous matched perfectly with the spicy hot sauce.
ben cooked mussels with tomato paste and white wine. another restaurant standard dish. these boys can really cook, their future wife would be so lucky! ben cooked hor fun as well, and the gravy was really good, considering that it was his first attempt.

i was really impressed by their cooking skills. felt a bit ashamed of myself when i can't even get the basics right. :( ting, roy and i helped out with random preparation, photo taking, and we all made cheng teng! all you need to do is to buy and throw the ingredients into a pot and leave it on slow fire for a few hours. we took the easy way out!
can't wait for the next cookout! it was great fun. :D