Monday, October 17, 2011


love these film shots taken by kenneth.
so during the september holidays, we all went to grampians for a day trip. to be honest, i didn't expect that so much climbing/hiking would be involved. hence, the super inappropriate attire. nevertheless, i still managed to hike to the top without getting injured. of course, it wouldn't be possible without help from the boys. it was dangerous!
we had a picnic on a huge rock right beside a waterfall for lunch. the experience was amazing! we were munching on sandwiches, potato salad, cupcakes, grape and cheese crackers, while sipping red wine right in the middle of nature. this is the life.
we were literally freezing in the cold, no joke. but we persevered and sat on the rocks for almost an hour waiting for sunset... it was worth it.
isn't this beautiful!!! it totally reminded us of the movie, jurassic park. to me, that was the best part of the day. absolute silence, breathtaking view, great company, and the freshest air. ahhh!
by nightfall, we started to make our way back to the city. it was a long long drive, and as usual everyone was well asleep. after an hour nap, we all woke up to a stunning night sky.
i have never seen so many stars in my life! the photos don't do them justice. i was really in awe. i couldn't take my eyes off them. we could actually see the milky way, how cool is that! really unforgettable. :)