Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where's Les Miserables?

caught hairspray musical with cindy, merrie and kimmy 2 weeks back. the whole theme was very different from the previous musicals i attended. this one was so comical, from costumes/hairstyles to stage backdrops. the theatre was filled with laughter, and i enjoyed myself so much. love the standing ovation at the end where everyone stood up and danced to the music with the cast. i love attending musicals, can more groups tour melbourne/singapore please? :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Saw Him

it was a whole good two hours. haven't catch such an awesome movie in a really long time, and him. i just had that gut feeling.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scent of Flowers

spring flowers are out! purple and pink ones blooming at university square. no cindy to take picture with the flowers this time, cause we do not have a single lesson together. :( really miss those one hour breaks with jon and her.

the weather this week is insane. monday and tuesday was so sunny and hot, but wednesday, thursday was, and tomorrow will be cold, windy and rainy. :( not very cool, since the walk from law building to home isn't very near.

have been mugging at law almost everyday. love the new study area for law students, very conducive for studying. all thanks to kimmy who introduced that area to me. hence, i have been having lunches and dinners around elizabeth quite frequently, and the food there is really not bad man. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why This Difference?

i never understood what my dad meant by always saying that australia is a very slow and relaxed country until i actually came here and experience it for myself.

its so frustrating how Citi is so efficient in everything they do, and how the aussies here are so used to the slow pace of life. ask me to choose a way of living, and i'll definitely prefer the aussies'. i was so stressed out by Citi and my university just because i needed a form from the university to be handed over to Citi. i actually never felt so stressed before in my 3 years of life in melbourne until monday night. it actually reminded me that i used to feel that way when i was studying for o levels in secondary four. this clearly proves one point, singapore's environment is stressful by nature.

everything needs to be done so quick and fast. i'm not saying its a bad thing, in fact being efficient is how i always get things settled. but what i don't understand is the big difference in culture between singapore and australia. at the end of the day, though working slowly, the australians still manage to get things done correctly, without really offending anybody (except for those who aren't used to such a pace).

now i'm stuck between slowly waiting for the university to prepare my form, and dealing with Citi who has kindly allowed me to submit the form even after passing the deadline.

despite this troublesome issue, i know that i shouldn't be in a position to complain. i am already very lucky to have been accepted by Citi for internship just after a brief phone chat. i just have to hope that the university gets back to me asap, as i have already done my best in "rushing" them.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Little Satisfactions

discovered this place called trotters on lygon very recently. went there for breakfast twice, and i really enjoyed the food there. wanted to go to cumulus inc with rachel last monday, but we both couldn't wake up early enough to travel to flinders lane. hence, lygon.

french toast with bananas and nutella, crepes with lemon, maple and jam, and eggs benedict. i just love eating, and weight doesn't really prevent me from gobbling such great food down. of course, i have to make sure that my weight's healthy.

funny how the photos from my bb camera looks better than my canon camera. oh wells, guess its time to change the old. & that's the first thing i'll be buying when i reach singapore!

Monday, October 11, 2010


emily's mother-in-law (my ah kim) made her dress, my mummy did her flower bouquet, and shawn shawn is so CUTE.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Hear Wedding Bells Again

today's the 10th of october 2010. my cousin alvin is getting registered today with emily. quite disappointed that i can't be there to witness the registration. but thank god that the wedding dinner is not today, if not i'll be missing both events. anyhow, congratulations on the newly wed couple. can't wait for the upcoming wedding dinner! :)
during the holidays, i went to J-cafe for their famous sushi burger introduced by kimmy. went there with the girls and we each ordered a different burger. i had salmon teriyaki sushi burger, and it was awesome. it tasted just like a super good traditional sushi roll, in a burger form. something like mos burger, but mos burger has a commercial touch to it.
the new itouch is so cool, you can take self-shot pictures! rachel has one, and i'm thinking of getting one for myself. :) therefore, selling red nano fourth edition. less than 2 years, with hardly any scratches and in good working condition.
cam-whoring at crown cinema while waiting for charlie st. cloud to show. didn't really enjoy the movie and i was really bored at the beginning. until the really scary twist came, it woke me up. cindy and i were so scared that we were holding each other hands and closing our eyes. best thing about the movie- zac efron. was never really into him, but he was so handsome in this film!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sunny Morning Brunch

have been having aussie brunches very regularly recently. always nice to start off the study day with a satisfying stomach that gives you the energy to mug all the way. weather's been sunny and cooling for the past one week. makes brunches favourable as we can soak up the sun! this morning, rachel brought me to hardware societe, which is located on hardware lane. we have been to hardware lane for their dinners, but didn't know that they have such nice eateries during day. love the decor of the cafe, very industrial chic. very tiny kitchen with 4-5 staff in it, random stuff hanging all over the cafe, yet very neat and clean. :)
one good thing about hardware societe is their super duper friendly and welcoming staff. on average, staff at aussie cafes are always friendly and cheerful. but the people there today really made me feel at home, the way they took our orders were as if we were really good friends. sigh, why can't we have them in singapore? we asians just can't be as friendly as eurasians.
cutest teapot cover i've ever seen. rachel and i both had english breakfast tea, this time no salt! :) food there was really good and reasonable. one pot of tea for like 4 bucks, how great a deal.
i had baked eggs. it tasted good, especially with their spicy sausages. definitely want to get back there to try their continental breakfast. fresh croissant with strawberries & lychees, one huge jar of yoghurt and jam spreads. i rekon a cup of hot chocolate to go with it would be perfect!
rachel's scrambled eggs. really filling portions that we couldn't finish them. she wanted to try the 3 soldiers, sounds very good. sadly, didn't manage to taste it as they always change their menu. totally adds another reason to go back there.

can't wait for next year when my brother comes up for trinity and family comes up for visits. now i know so many good food places that i can bring them to. whatsapp my dad this morning and showed him a picture of my brunch, he said the food looks good and wants to eat there! haha, love sending pictures of what i'm eating everyday to him. got to enjoy the time spent out eating cause our exam menu will just be takeaways and instants. boo!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


school holidays have finally come to an end. :( starting from tomorrow i'll start studying again for another 7 weeks and i'll soon be enjoying myself in singapore/japan. this spring break has been the best, i enjoyed myself so much! in this short two weeks, i did a whole lot of activities from looking at big fat smelly cows to having VIP treatment at crown casino. i couldn't ask for anything better. feeling so fortunate and re-charged for the remaining weeks.

merrie's mum stayed at my place for a week, and she just left this afternoon. last monday, merrie, kimseng, rachel and i brought her to royal melbourne show. it's our first time going for this event, and we had lots of fun. wasn't really interested to go for it, as i always had the impression that it's something like moomba festival in march, just that you have to pay entry fee.
passed by degraves and had an impromptu breakfast at little cupcakes. kimseng and merrie's mum love them. yeah, definitely the best cupcakes in the world.
the first thing we saw at royal melbourne show was the cows. never in my life i've ever seen so many cows at one go. and mind you, there are HUGE. i was the only one in that huge hall that kept pinching my nose cause they stink. really wonder how the others could just walk past the cows as if they were breathing fresh air.

went to visit the beautiful horses too. yay, one of my favourite animal. :) look what they did to the horse's mane, its so pretty. best thing is, the smell was hundred times better than the cows. by the way, there was a cow and horse beauty peagent competition going on too.
there were so many game stalls, and the soft toys there were way better than moomba's. kimmy helped me played a game and won a winnie the pooh soft toy for 20 bucks.
dutch pancakes are never a miss at carnivals and fun fairs. why don't they have them in singapore? oh wait, are there even carnivals in singapore? they should sell them at pasar malams.
big, fat, juicy and sweet strawberries dripped with melted milk chocolate. sigh, why am i always having desserts for lunch?
look at all these fudges, they look so pretty! bet there's tons and tons of sugar in it.
damn, i want a birthday cake like that for my 20th. there was a art and craft exhibition hall, and we saw these pretty cakes on display. the bakers are so amazing, everything's handmade and edible.
there were so many rides too, thrilling and fun ones. wanted to sit some of them but they all had really long queues and each ticket was like 10 bucks. i had enough of rides, especially just flying back from gold coast.
but we couldn't leave without sitting one. kimseng, rachel and i had so much fun on that ride, it wasn't scary at all and it was SUPER LONG. the three of us just sat in one car, and it goes around in circles while moving up and down slopes at a really really fast speed. it was the most tiring ride ever. hands and backs were aching after, and my tummy was so painful due to laughter during the ride.
i have no idea why rachel and i had the guts to go for the haunted house walk. the last time i went for one was in universal studios california when i was 13. my family went into it thinking that it was some 4-D simulation ride. it was so scary, and i hardly saw anything inside.

apparently this haunted house was featured on the australian news. kimseng has always been to such houses and he admits that this is the most scary one. i was hugging and pulling him, and rachel was doing the exact thing to me. the three of us walked in a row, and kimseng was our eyes guiding the way since we girls had our eyes closed and heads down. kimmy left us a few times cause apparently, freddy krueger was chasing us!! real people do chase and haunt you with hammers and saws. really scary, but it was a really funny experience.
one main distinction from moomba are the show bags. they have a really huge variety, from cadbury milk chocolate to FHM show bags. of course, you have to pay for them, but the stuff inside them are really quite good. ah seng went around looking for gossip girl show bags since they were out of stock at most booths, and managed to get one just before leaving. how ironic, gossip girl and manchester united.

around 5, rachel and i went over to crown while the rest headed home. i joined her cell group for a laser quest game and it was really fun. we had little lamb's steamboat buffet for dinner, and we ordered so MUCH food. they can really eat man!

my back was aching so badly from the ride that i had to get a massage from rachel before bedtime. it was a very fun yet exhausting day. i shall not complain, cause that beats studying anytime. :)