Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Chocolate Rose

on one of those mornings where exams have ended, i met up with dear charlene fernandez for breakfast at hardware societe. that was the first time seeing her since tea at laurent, and the last time seeing her until christmas this year (i hope). funny how we stay so close, yet hardly being able to spare time out for each other. we're all so busy with school. this is a sad truth, but melbourne just seems to be the studying ground. once exams are over, we flock back to our own countries or to other parts of the world to play.
continental breakfast - croissant with lychees and strawberries, and yoghurt. with a cup of hot chocolate, it made my breakfast perfect.
charlene's baked eggs and latte.

i have been sick for the past few days since that friday night. didn't really stay at home to recuperate, hence i didn't get well fast. today, i finally admitted that i need to see the doctor. got some medicine, took a good and long afternoon nap, and i'm feeling so much better. well, i just got back from black angus steak house for dinner with the family. i haven't had such good steak in months. the next place we're gonna go for steak is morton's! that would we awesome. :) to finish it off, we went to haagen dazs for dessert. good to have a father who loves ice cream, especially haagen dazs.

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