I aim to be a private banker, working in one of those large foreign banks. I know its not an easy journey, but i'm willing to work hard for it.
I prefer sweet to savory. I love anything sweet- candies, cookies, cakes, macarons and chocolates especially! :)
I dislike reading. Hence, i do not write well. If i'm in a book store, you'll see me flipping through books regarding interior designing and baking.
I don't like studying, but i study a lot. I'm not clever, so in order to do well, i need to mug. Call me a nerd, i do not care. But once holidays are here, i know it's time to play.
I'm a neat, clean and organised person. I can't stand things being messy, dirty and disorganised around me. That sort of environment yields nothing out of me.
Something that i would want to keep doing throughout my life is to be able to travel around the world. The airplane shall be one of my most frequent modes of transportation! :)
You're so cute YilIn!