Wednesday, February 2, 2011


my favourite season of the year is here again. last year's first day of cny fell on valentine's day, and this year's falls on my birthday. couldn't be any happier that my ALL my relatives from my dad's side will be celebrating my birthday with me. :D

my relatives from JB will be spending their 2011 chinese new year at my place, since it's my dad's turn to host the reunion dinner. hence, a big group of 25 people will be bunking in my house. gonna be lots of fun with mattresses laid out everywhere.

mummy put in lots of effort to decorate our house. my house is officially RED RED RED. papa said she over did it, but i think it's just fine. totally brings out the chinese new year festive mood! :) i shall share some of the pictures i took today.
my mum handmade all the lanterns you see in these pictures. she just loves art and craft. i admire her patience in doing these stuff. hopefully, i pick up some skills. if not, i think i'll prolly hire people to decorate my own house for cny next time. haha!
i told you my house is red. oh my god, words can't express how excited i am for chinese new year. i just got back home from treating my family to dimsum for lunch at raffles hotel's royal china. it's sorta a formality since i got my first pay in my life, glad they enjoyed the food. :) now, i'm waiting for my relatives to come out from JB, and off we go to forum for our reunion dinner.
needless to say, mummy will do her usual flower arrangements to beautify our house.

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