Saturday, July 31, 2010


i've been enjoying every single moment of melbourne since i arrived. :) good that school work hasn't kicked in, and that i've the time to explore melbourne city. 3D2N ski trip with rachel, merrie, jonathan and kim seng this coming friday is confirmed, and i really can't wait for it. i've never ski before, but i bet it's going to be fun fun fun!

last night was one big night (more pictures up on facebook). went clubbing with the girls at seven after dinning at oriental spoon for korean food, and having our usual chocolate shots as desserts. we had free entrance as we went under some birthday boy's name. till now, i have no clue whose birthday it was.
we started off with 2 vodka limes shared among the four of us. went dancing a while, but still didn't feel the alcohol setting in. then we each took shots, it was so damn funny. all my friends know that i can't drink for nuts. i'm always either drinking mocktails, or cocktails. occasionally beer and wine, and i still can't finish one glass. to break the record, i took a shot yesterday. on the count of 1,2,3 we drank it. but loser me couldn't even finish one, while the rest were empty. i seriously don't know why i can't drink one in one gulp. anyways, we had 3 jagerbombs later in the night. that was nice, it was very sweet and i could hardly taste the alcohol. :)
love them all so much! it was the first time 4 of us went clubbing together. i really want more nights like this to come.
seven was surprisingly much better since the last time i was there, which was more than a year. the crowd, music, and drinks were good. the music especially, we did dance till our hearts content. met many old friends on the dance floor, and i guess that made the night even better. we all agreed that there were many cute guys too! oh, and this guy kept following me, he wanted a dance. it was so funny, no matter how rachel and merrie kept blocking him away from me, and telling him that i'm attached (well, i'm not) he just wouldn't give up. but he was nice, no evil intentions. haha!
the three of us found a corner to rest, and it was then this really cute hong kong guy came up to us. well, i find him really cute, but rachel and merrie don't. i guess its because he really looks like someone, but a player version of that someone, very freaky.

anyways, we girls got back home around 3 plus. didn't stayed up for long, but had whole lots of fun. woke up at 1pm today and went out with rachel the entire afternoon, we were being tourists and explored the sky deck. shall blog about that soon the next time i'm free, cause i'm going out tonight for another awesome party. :) i'm running late!

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