Saturday, May 29, 2010


i have always love europe since i was a kid, age 10. it's been 9 years since i have last been there, and i have always been wanting to go back! but somehow, my family have been traveling to the states after europe's trip. i'm not complaining though, i like US too.

since i'll be graduating at 20, and i don't really like the idea of doing honors in melbourne or entering the workforce at 21 (unless a very good job offer awaits me), i have decided to study in europe. last night, mummy called and told her of my plans. she was very supportive and said i can do whatever i want. :) she asked why europe and not the states, and i said, cause i want to tour europe!

shall find out more about study opportunities in probably london or paris this july, i really really want to study there. can't imagine how much more i'll love europe especially when i'm there at 21. :)

okay, this post was just a mini break for me. need to get back to studying. exams are in less than 2 weeks. there's so much studying to do. especially, cost management. no wait, everything!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Girl

charlene's house party
dear charlene turned twenty on thursday! last night, we all gave her a mini surprise house party. everyone had to bring food, so merrie, rachel and i made egg sandwiches and sausage/mushroom/cucumber sticks. had so much fun making them, and our kitchen was in a mess. didn't clean up before we left as we were running late!
after all the waiting and surprising we finally got in and started on our food. our food was wiped out in less than 30 minutes. clearly, food wasn't enough. so nice li-shen went to hungry jacks and bought each of us a burger with lots of fries. mojo then brought along his homemade muffins, and it was really very good. awesome stuff. :) i had two.
we practically spent most of the time talking and taking pictures!!! seriously, how can we live without cameras? love all the pictures we took. thank you rachel, your camera is awesome!
pretty charlene biting on her chocolate cake from brunetti's.
thereafter, the whole night was spent taboo-ing. it all started when i spotted the little taboo box sitting on the TV console. started with six people playing, and it ended with 13. taboo is so addictive, we played it for at least 3 hours. so much fun and laughter, i should bring taboo up!
reached home at one and slept at two. luckily we had the guys to send us home by car. if not, we'll be freezing on our walk back.

madame brussels
the three of us met earlier to get charlene's birthday present before heading to madame brussels. it is winter, everyone was looking at us and i bet they must be thinking why were we in dresses. oh wells, we got a birthday party to attend. :)
cannot stop emphasising how good the place is. everything's so pretty, sweet, and dainty. reminded me of alice in wonderland. florals, pink, cushions, etc. it was like a mini garden. cute!
we chose to sit on the rooftop, so that we could enjoy the sun (while it lasts). outside was really pretty too. from the view, chairs, tables, umbrellas, menu, to the........... WAITER!
alright, i take back my word on saying that it's pretty. we were laughing so badly when we saw the waiters. initially, we found it quite disturbing. but i guess we all got used to it! all the waiters were wearing fred perry shirts, and with really short shorts. worst still, PINK. charlene just had to take a picture with him. and he insisted to put on his shades first.
the waiter also gave us umbrellas. perfect for shading the strong sun and taking pictures. thank god for such a nice weather, we were really lucky! :) oh, we had 3 umbrellas, and only returned them 2. dinesh accidentally dropped one down the building. haha!
i love the last two pictures of me, rachel and merrie! :) anyways, we had drinks first before food. ordered 2 jugs of cocktail and one jug of pimp. didn't enjoyed the pimp though, i stuck to non-alcohol. nice!
merrie made her a card, and we got her a forever new gift card!
the food was good. :) for me, the sandwich platter was the winner! really, they are the bomb. not exaggerating, but probably the best sandwiches i've ever eaten. just look at how good it is. i want more!!!
chicken liver dips with cauliflower pickles. none of us enjoyed it, except for rachel and dinesh. initial taste was durian... followed by liver. haha!
another dip, couldn't remember the name of it already.
cheese plate.
awesome chocolate fondue! it could have been better. by changing the dark chocolate to milk chocolate. rachel and i could have drank the whole glass if it was milk. right rachel? :)
what's a birthday without a cake?
12 pink butter cupcakes, with sparkles as candles.
i find this photo of charlene really ironic. she's such a health freak, yet she's having the sweetest cupcakes ever as her birthday cake.
one whole big slab of icing. i have such a sweet tooth, but i have to admit that it was really sweet. sugar and butter, that's all. despite that, i finished everything. the rest surrendered by taking out the icing. i felt so unhealthy after that.
aftermath. i love how everything is so pink. the blankets that they provided us were hot pink too. thank god for that, the sun was eventually blocked by the building in front of us. we were freezing, and i didn't even bring a jacket! li-shen saved me by lending me her cardi.
i shall end this post with a photo of us girls! credits to dinesh.
charlene, thank you so much for everything. it's a joy to celebrate your 20th birthday with you. i had so much fun last night and this afternoon. thanks for the afternoon treat, it must have cost you a bomb. hope you like our gift, and may all your wishes come true. good to have such great fun especially before i start burying myself in books. your birthday came just at the right time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just Swipe the Card

after having dim sum for lunch with the girls at shark fin's house and shopping in the city, we went for some belgian waffles and little cupcakes on degraves for tea. it's a small little stall right at the corner of an alley, didn't expect that they had such awesome waffles. simple waffles with chocolate fudge and strawberries tasted so good.
continued with our shopping and i got some awesome buys. again, guilty as charged, spent a BOMB. anyways, i'm very happy with my boots and new coat!!! retail therapy rocks.

why are all the good shows ending? first ANTM, tomorrow survivor, and next week gossip girl! guess it's really time to study. thank god for masterchef, not going to miss any. :)