Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reviving The Past

went back to swiss cottage secondary school last friday after my driving lesson. visited the teachers as well as sinting who is teaching there temporarily. gave her a small surprise with a mini cake, i hope she likes it. met many teachers and managed to have a good catch up session with them. :) really miss secondary school- the classes, the classmates, and the teachers. 2 photos stolen from junyang's facebook, the difference is obvious.
thereafter, yongbin and i cabbed down to westmall to watch the tooth fairy with warren tan. rushed there just in time to not see warren go home. well, it's a very kiddy show and i personally enjoyed it. the movie reminded me about the incident that i discovered that there's actually no tooth fairy. thinking back, mummy was actually quite 'cruel' to crush my hopes, just like that. haha!

after dinner at mos burger, cheryl joined the three of us and we headed over to junyang's house. sad to say, we gambled again. but, we're all doing in the the name of fun! great bonding session. i don't know why, but i always don't win or lose. +3 bucks counted? there was a final showdown again, this time it was twice, and all initiated by cheryl. haha! it's a pity that i didn't video it, cause yongbin won cheryl 60 bucks in just 2 rounds. what good luck he has!

being a nice friend, he treated us supper at the hawker centre nearby. he was being generous and made sure that everyone had enough to eat. we had two bottles of tiger beer too. surprisingly, i was able to drink much more than usual. bus-ed home, thank you warren tan. :)


  1. Wah! I didn't know you change your blog's url because I'm using Bloglovin ( it'll update me when you blog), so I was wondering why u didn't blog for like so freaking long! haha. Anyway, Happy Belated birthday! I know I'm late!! Meet up soon and let's celebrate! :D

  2. hahaha, but at least you found out! thank you, yeah man, let's try meet up. i'm going back in 17 days! :(
