Friday, August 26, 2011


we found the best korean barbecue place in melbourne! its located at 19 McKillop Street. everyone, please do check it out, really good quality food at reasonable prices. but service isn't the best though.
we ordered the beef set for four. look at all the different slices of beef. wagyu beef was my favourite, so soft that it melts in your mouth. i'm not a fan of pork, but the pork belly was yummy! fatty, oily, and crispy.
seafood pancake is a must-order for me whenever i go for korean bbq.
what's korean bbq without some soju? we had the kiwi flavoured one, tasted like fruit juice, but just the way i like it!
it was vanessa's 20th birthday dinner. poor girl faced so many "obstacles" on her way to meet us. we waited an hour for her. not a bad thing because the wait made us more hungry, which made the food more delicious. :) i love food binging on empty stomachs.

the cupcakes are from cupcake central, colourful and pretty. but in terms of taste, little cupcakes is still the best!
our set came with desserts as well. we had green tea tiramisu, berry panna cotta, and black sesame & green tea ice cream. best part of the desserts was the tempered chocolate! i loved it. right amount of sweetness and cocoa.

and guess what! i'm heading back to ghung for dinner later. tonight's gonna be a long and fun-filled night! hooray to the weekends. :D

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cacao Macarons

i have been feasting on these little delights for the past few days. they are as good as la belle miette's, or even better. i really wanna make a trip to LuxBite someday, heard they have unique flavours like watermelon yoghurt, peanut butter and jelly, creme brulee, oreo, and kaya toast! love the mushrooming of macarons stalls, keep 'em coming!

Friday, August 12, 2011


3 nights ago, we celebrated singapore's national day at billboard. dinner from old town mamak was served, followed by the live screening of the parade, and lastly... the after party!!! i must say, that was the best clubbing session i have ever had in melbourne. it was just so fabulous.
girls gone wild. we were on the dance floor throughout the night. the heels didn't stop us, we took them off to dance!! zhang yao dong and dawn yeoh were there too, cindy was obessed with him. we all took pictures together - zhang yao dong looks better on tv though.
i love these 2 pictures with kenneth. best pictures we've ever taken.
crazy bunch of people i met over the weekend - jokers and drinkers. i had a jagerbomb and a tequila shot that night, while they kept drinking more. i think my tolerance level for alcohol has increased a lot!!

lesson learnt from that night - don't club on weekdays. struggling to stay awake during class the next day though lecture was only at noon.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hakuna Matata

dropping a few pictures to date the day cixian and i walked the helix bridge to marina bay sands for the lion king musical. :) this was almost a month ago! i enjoyed the musical - props were fantastic, but i felt that the singing ain't that great. another musical crossed off my list!

i have been having so much fun in melbourne so far. :D i'm only left with 4 more months till graduation, that is too quick!! imagine working 10 hours a day, with only weekends off and no holidays given! my god. i think this is my first time saying - i don't wanna graduate so soon! i'll miss this lifestyle and melbourne so much.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

In Case You Were Wondering...

i'm alive.

can't believe that i have been so busy since i came back to melbourne.

awesome 5 days ski trip up in falls creek, first week of school madness, yummy korean dinner at 7&7, late nights due to korean drama IRIS, regular weekly revision of lectures and tutorials, sunday brunch with the clique, first ever footy match, job/intern applications, etc.

to add to the list, i'm going to Murray Regions tomorrow. oh wait, in 7 hours time! just a night stay, but we'll be kayaking/canoeing, cycling and having a good old aussie BBQ!