Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Burgers!

one saturday, kenneth brought me to andrew's burgers for dinner beside a lake near albert park. a very big, tasty and hot burger, perfect for the starving stomach on that cold windy evening. there's steak, bacon, egg, lettuce, cheese, and tomatoes all between that 2 soft pieces of bread. if you're in melbourne, please try them! much better than grill'd's. :)

threw my brother a surprise birthday party for him last night at my place. a total of 16 people attended, and everyone cooperated so well by wearing red! had so much food, drinks, and games. cranium made us all high with so much laughing and shouting going on! awesome night, i had fun, hope everyone did too. pictures are all up on facebook, :) ! sad truth, but that's where the fun ends, i'm back to studying. OUT!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Take A Walk

arrived in melbourne with dear jonny picking me up at the airport! went back home, washed up, and met up with dear rachel and kimmy. got my canon s95 after lunch, and ahead to the park for a walk. what a great sunny day. if only singapore has such cooling and sunny weather!

right now, melbourne is freezing. my heater at home is on almost 24/7, electricity bill's bound to shoot up like mad. we have 4 more weeks to a 1 week easter break, thereafter, 4 more weeks to SWOT VAC, and 3 more weeks to home. for now, i can't wait for easter, cause that will be the earliest break i have as there are 3 mid semester tests and 1 assignment due within this next month! year 3, no excuse for not studying.

cannot wait for my parents and sister to come up! sister will be staying at my place, while my folks will be staying in a hotel. gonna use this opportunity to travel to all the tourist-y places given that we have a car. strawberry picking, lavender farm, horse riding, dandenong's scones, grampians, wilsom promontory, phillip island, etc. all the good food coming my way in late april, shall visit another fine dinning restaurant.

the above shall be my motivation to study.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Red Rabbits

i know that the chinese new year festive period has long been gone. but i'm here to share a few of my favourite pictures throughout that few days of non-stop eating, drinking, chatting, gambling and camera-ing with my family, relatives and friends.
i love this family picture, just a few minutes before the first day of lunar new year and my 20th birthday.
the men just prefer drinking wine to tea, despite a eastern festive period. that's good, as we have plenty of untouched wine, since we don't drink.
new twister. so much more tangles with these extra hoops! tried it yet?
i'm planning for a proper family photo shoot this july!
my nieces and nephews are all so adorable! love them to bits.
i had a 2kg spike d birthday cake! everyone just kept asking for more. oh my god, really feel like having some now. is it possible to buy some up from singapore, can clear customs? my parents and sis are coming up in april over the easter break! cannot wait.
the best mum in the entire world.
papa and his elder siblings with their aunt.
look at how red these women are?! we need some shades man!
so nerf guns are the in-thing now? we spend a good 30 minutes playing with them. my dad had the most fun, young at heart.
played the usual fireworks. we had a real huge one this year, beautifully captured on video. takes too long to upload it though!
went house visiting with kumaleh, and we had bbq and steamboat specially prepared by yongbin's mum at his place. it was delicious!
cheryl's house turned into a gambling den. poker, black jack, in between, and mahjong. played till 5am in the morning, and home-d!
first sunflower received in my life.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Best Buddies' Birthday

feels like it has been quite some time since i last blogged. life in melbourne is just so busy, studying every single weekday and having fun on the weekends. sadly, this can't last any longer. the content of final year subjects are not simple, and the mid semester tests are just 2-3 weeks away!

so one month ago, we celebrated yongbin's and cixian's birthday together at bram's uncle's bar - handlebar. i suggested the place since bram would be present, and the steak there is awesome! oh my god, i feel like having some NOW.
love how handlebar is decorated. biker cool dude theme. coincidentally, it was handlebar's last night at alexandra road as they have moved to a new location. it was so crowded and we waited for 1-2 hours for food!
bram, our waiter for the night!
so we basically spent the wait time taking pictures, playing pool, and talking. love my camera's effects, pictures are uneditied, awesome!
the wait was worthwhile. that steak is really some good shit. love it!!!
ended the dinner with a birthday cake from awfully chocolate! i love this picture, look at their eyes, they can't take them off each other. :)
an addition to our pathetic collection of full strength kumaleh shots.
ended the birthday celebration with clubbing at rebel. the ratio of girls to guys was 1:3! thank god for warren and yongbin who stuck to us the entire night. another final year's break has gone, and i still have not visit the club on jiak kim street. ZOUK! need to go before i turn 21.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Miss These Girls

on a saturday afternoon (2 months back) where 5 ladies were having dim sum at raffles hotel's royal china. how outdated.

i just woke up from a dream. it was weird, they all (these girls) changed their hairstyles. very funny ones.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Want More!

has anyone dined at Pu Tien before? cause it you haven't, i highly recommend it. the pictures are ranked according to my favourites. i'm not a fan of cockles, but that dish was just amazing. the chilli as well, it goes perfectly with every dish. but you've been warned, its really spicy. try the homemade noodles too, very different touch from the normal chinese la mian. all thanks to aunty joon, i've found another great chinese restaurant in SINGAPORE.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

They Gave Us Wings to Fly

the whole crowd who was there to send my brother off to melbourne, his family and his acs(i) friends. he's having such a great time of his life here that he doesn't want to be with his big sister for now. we'll see.
before sending my brother off, we had a big hearty meal at dempsey's jumbo for dinner. i dined there 3 times in a short 3 months, delicious tasty food! those 3 dishes are my top favourites. i miss having family meals, both in and out of the house.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


here are some of the many photos we took at my birthday brunch at HOUSE, barracks cafe on the 30th of January 2011. glad that my two groups of girlfriends could get along, and was happy that they were there to celebrate my birthday with me. of course, not forgetting rachel who was in aussie land.

i know i'm so late in posting up pictures of recent (?) events on my blog. that's just because i'm so busy. will try my best to update as frequently as possible, a few snapshots will do the trick i guess. to my friends who want to steal photos, get them from facebook!

well, i'm back in melbourne and have been going out every single day since. easily getting used to the life here after being away for 3 months - city shopping, movies, tram rides, clubbing, and eating. i've been having so much fun since last december, which makes studying so difficult for me. lectures, tutorials, and libraries, here we go again. i can tell that year 3 is no easy piece of shit.