Friday, April 30, 2010


spent ANZAC day with kenneth. our initial plan was to visit camberwell market to get some cheap vintage buys. but to our disappointment, we forgot that it is a public holiday and the stalls were close. so we ended up spending most of the time on degraves street and flinders lane. went for awesome french crepes and hot chocolate, followed by shopping in the city. saw a white hello kitty Polaroid camera, very nice, i like. :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lights On The Floor

jonny joined us for dinner at our place last night, we cooked bat kut teh while he ate his own yingtai meal. anyways, had a poker tutorial with breezers provided by jonny. finally know how to play poker, so happy! :) after last night, i confirm that vodka cruisers make me red! i was super red just after one bottle, why? other vodka mixes don't make me red.
a sudden decision to go clubbing at eve with rachel's church friends. got all ready and we left at 10.30pm. thanks for vip, we didn't need to queue. last night was so fun, best clubbing session in melbourne so far. wasn't very packed and music was not too bad. they had some special guest DJ who came from the states. oh well, he shouldn't have. nothing beats st james's wednesdays, right kumalehs? :) DJ KZEE.
dancing was so much fun last night. only stepped out from the dance floor once from 11pm to 3am in the morning. feet were so tired, but thanks to jonny i could rest them. glad that everyone had so much fun, especially merrie, it was her first time clubbing and she said that she loves it. :) oh and we had this awesome cocktail at the bar too, we asked the bartender for a sweet one, and he made us that. love it. let's go clubbing again some time soon, and we must drink before we go.
love them all. more pictures up on facebook.
thank you jonny for taking care of us last night!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Now?

why do certain people appear in our lives?
just an acquaintance, a friend or something more?

Sunday, April 18, 2010


dinner with the girls and jonny at china bar- shabu shabu. not going back there again cause the service is lousy, but food was not too bad though. we finally had harajuku too, it's been years since we last ate.
caught date night last night, totally light up my night. thought i'll be entering some of usual love comedy-s. but yesternight's was super duper funny. i think i have never laughed so much before in such movie genres. a must watch man! 2 comedians in one show, great. rachel was laughing ten times worst than me. :)

i can't wait for next weekend, 3 days hols since ANZAC day falls on sunday. at least assignments are gone. hopefully, we can go to a bar or a club this friday, and have dim sum on the weekends.

by the way, we booked our tickets to gold coast already, and we're staying in holiday inn right smack in surfer's paradise. super happy and excited, but it's still a long wait... like in september? :)

Friday, April 16, 2010


my april holidays just flew past like that, i didn't get to make full use of it. now, i'm moving on to week 7, with lots of work and assignments pilling in. luckily, 2 tests are done and over. i need a break, which i know it'll never happen. i guess i just have to pull through the next 7 weeks, before my ass lands in singapore. :)

it reminded me of who were the ones who love and care for me. was so touched just by receiving a simple Facebook message. what more, an email or a hug. i know i've made the right decision, and i'm proud of myself for that. life goes on, and i'm glad i'm having much fun.

things have drastically? changed though it's been only two weeks. i wonder if it's good or bad. there's no rush, so i'm taking it slow, only time will tell. i guess my april holidays weren't such a waste. he gave me new perspectives, all that never once crossed my mind.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An Angel Loses It's Wings Every time You Sigh

from the millions of people in the world, i wonder how they go about choosing whose backs they should shoot. and do they also remove the arrows when we have fallen out of love?